Follow us, following Him.

"Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, and injustice when He could do something about it." ...Well, why don't you ask Him?... "Because I'm afraid He would ask me the same question."

Thursday, February 6, 2014

From start to finish

Sometimes in America we think we are helping, but yet there is a piece of us that is unsure if our help or donation is actually going where we think it is...

We just returned from a trip to Haiti on Monday February 3 and we were able to see the mouths that were being fed by the Feed My Starving Children meals packaged in the U.S. !!  It was amazing.

Feed My Starving Children is an organization that packages meals for kiddos to eat in impoverished countries.  Contents are rice, soy, chicken, veggies... This is a dry meal that is cooked with water and can feed several tummies.

This week in Haiti we had the opportunity to visit Haitian Initiative, a soccer program  for the children in Cite Soleil (the most dangerous place in the world as stated by the United Nations).  The children play organized soccer after school and then get a meal when they are finished with practice.

Feed My Starving Children...

So many little mouths to feed.  They open many packets of the food, mix the appropriate amount of water in, cook in LARGE pots,

and serve the children a bowl of food.

They seemed so happy to be receiving a hot meal, and we were excited to see that the volunteer work done at home and the food is actually going to places such as this.

Three days later we went to deliver water into the same slums and I happened to have a little girl hanging on my shirt that was eating the leftovers of the dry food right out of the bag.  I will never forget her eyes and hoped that through that food... life.


I know that life is more than food, something the Haitians are constantly teaching me.

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-- whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear.  For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing..."  Luke 12:22-23.

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